So to continue with the previous post, having decided I was going to focus more attention on growing my children/baby photography side of the business, and having grown a little bolder from my weekend in Chicago...I had the very good fortune to be seated on the plane behind the ONE baby flying to DFW from O'Hare. Most people would not consider that fortune, but most people wouldn't have noticed how insanely cute he was, either. I can't stress the insanely part enough. INSANELY cute. And I
thought...what would Audrey (tell me to) do? And so as we were taxing in DFW, I asked if they were from the area, and then gave them my card and asked (as non-creepy as I could) if they'd be interested in letting me photograph their son as a model for my portfolio.
They were gracious enough to smile and take my card, but I thought surely they'd be weirded out by a stranger asking that question. I crossed my fingers that they'd keep the card and look at my site and see that I wasn't a
total nutjob, and maybe even email me back. They did!!! And we set it up quickly and he was...get this...EVEN MORE CUTE. And very, very interested in seeing his pictures on my camera.
So here you current favorite (non-related, though this is what my kids should have looked like) model, "D". A special thanks to his mom for trusting me, and also for not letting me get lost in the parking lot.
Oh and happy belated birthday, little man!!!