My head is still swimming and my adrenaline is still pumping with all the information and direction I received. I have so much to do!! There are some changes to make to my website, people I need to contact about various things, choices I need to make on whether or not I'm going to pursue certain things, and then of course I wanted to look at the pictures I took this weekend. We didn't take a ton, but I still wanted to see them on the big screen and maybe try a different way of editing than I normally do. So of course I did that first! Now mind you, these aren't my typical clients (that may change soon), so when I say "different" editing, I mean different from teens. It was so simple and straightforward though, it will definitely influence how I edit children's pictures from now on. I like my style for teens though and I'll stick with that.
These kids were paid models and there were about 20 of us trying to take their photos. Audrey reminded me that we were shooting there to learn more about the light than we were to get the great eye contact and interaction that we'd get one-on-one, so I took that to heart. After several images of the older boy that were all looking alike to me, I just stopped shooting and talked with him about his guitar for a while. Paid model or not, he was clearly a little overwhelmed with the activity and I can totally relate to that.

If you're reading this and we met at the workshop, please email me so we can stay in touch!!