Saturday, January 26, 2008

My daughter's birthday...

Was actually December 28th, but we had her official birthday party today. A whole gaggle of girl's from her class over for a morning "slumber" party. It was actually a very relaxed and stress free party, not much was scheduled or planned, and the kids had a great time just playing in the playroom for the most part.

I still can't believe my baby girl is 6 years old, but the pile of brand new still-clothed Barbies on my living room floor is a testament to that fact. My, how we've grown!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Fresh, new blog!!!

Finally! A photography blog to showcase all my beautiful clients and latest sessions. I'll try to keep this up to date with a sampling from all my sessions going forward (and maybe a few going back, too), so check often to see how we're growing!

On with the show...

This little guy is only a few days older than this blog. Fresh and tiny and sweet, little R was a delightful first newborn for me to work with (the other little one on my website is actually closer to 1 month). I was first introduced to R when he was in his Mommy's belly for her maternity session, and just a couple of months later he made his grand entrance.

I was nervous, but if all my newborn sessions went half this well, I'd never be worried again. Definitely loved everything about this, except cranking the heater up so high - YUCK!

I'm rambling (you'll find I tend to do that) is little R and my very first blog post here!